My guest this week is Naveen Jain, an entrepreneur and philanthropist with a passion to solve the world's biggest challenges with innovative technologies.

Naveen is also on the board of Singularity University, an interdisciplinary university with the mission to educate and inspire leaders to address humanity's grand challenges through innovative technologies.

I recently met him at the Singularity University Global Summit and was impressed with his new venture, Viome. Viome is focused on disrupting healthcare with the goal of making illness elective by identifying microbial biomarkers that are predictive of chronic diseases and to adjust the microbial imbalance through personalized nutrition.

I invited Naveen to be on my podcast so he could share his vision for exponential technologies and talk about the entrepreneurial mindset you, as a leader, need to have in order to affect your business with innovative efforts.

You will like this episode for three reasons:
1. Naveen and I talk about cutting edge health and wellness
2. If you are an entrepreneur, you will like to be a fly on the wall to learn how a billionaire thinks
3. Learn about "possibility thinking" and how to take advantage of the innovation opportunities when they present themselves
Listen to the interview for Naveen's insight on benefiting humanity and his philosophy on disrupting major industries.

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Major Take-Aways From This Episode:

Naveen’s vision for innovation and exponential technologies @00:51 Why is the next set of superpowers are going to be entrepreneurs solving global grand challenges, and the nation states in the long run will continue to become irrelevant? Learn about how innovation in space is starting to come from private sector. Why you need to change your mindset from scarcity to abundance in order to think exponentially? How can the abundance-focused mindset free up a plethora of innovative ideas and resources? When you have an abundance of things, what would you do? When you give people hope, then people go out do amazing things. With more people getting access to information, it is for the first time that their ideas could now be heard. They are not just consumers anymore, but producers of services. Learn how Naveen changed his thinking from scarcity to abundance @12:15 Why Naveen believes that “once you become good at something, you really become useless at it” @12:35 Naveen’s entrepreneurial philosophy: by going into a completely different industry you know nothing about, you are able to rethink, reimagine, and challenge the foundation of it. Viome’s global grand challenge: use biodefense technology to benefit humanity and ultimately make illness an option. How today’s exponential technologies are allowing to really understand gut health as an extension of the brain. Naveen’s entrepreneurial advice: “Dream so big that people think you are crazy, and never be afraid to fail.” Surround yourself with people that are making you better. Get rid of every single person who brings you down and tells you why you can’t achieve it. Why should we invest in ongoing learning: intellectual curiosity is what really keeps us going. On mentors: Surround yourself with people that dream big. Life is your biggest mentor, it never stops teaching.

Read full transcript here.

About Naveen Jain

Naveen Jain is an entrepreneur driven to solve the world’s biggest challenges through innovation. He is the founder of several successful companies including Moon Express, iNome, Bluedot, TalentWise, Intelius and InfoSpace.

Moon Express is the only company in the world to have the permission to leave earth orbit and land on the moon with the goal to harvest planetary resources and to develop infrastructure to make humanity a multi-planetary society.

Viome is focused on disrupting healthcare with the goal of “making illness elective” by identifying microbial biomarkers that are predictive of chronic diseases and to adjust the microbial imbalance through personalized nutrition.

Naveen Jain a trustee of the board at the X PRIZE Foundation where he is focused on using incentive prizes to find solution to many of the societal challenges. He recently launched a million-dollar Women Safety XPRIZE to empower the women around the world.

Naveen Jain is on the board of Singularity University where he is focused on educating and inspiring leaders to address humanity’s grand challenges through innovative technologies.

Naveen Jain has been awarded many honors for his entrepreneurial successes including “Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year”, “Albert Einstein Technology Medal” for pioneers in technology, Recipient of “Ellis Island Medal of Honor”, Most creative person” by Fast Company, “Top 50 philanthropists of 2018” by Town & Country magazine, “Humanitarian Innovation Award” at the United Nations, “Distinguished Global Thinker Award” by IILM, “Most admired Serial Entrepreneur” by Silicon India, “Top 20 Entrepreneurs” and “Lifetime Achievement Award” for the leadership by Red Herring.

How to get in touch with Naveen Jain LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Key Resources: More information about Naveen Jain can be found at his website: Moon Express - On-going expeditions to the Moon with robotic explorers that aim at collapsing the cost of lunar access and enable new markets and opportunities to arise. Viome – Viome uses an advanced form of testing to analyze gut health and provide personalized recommendation.

This episode is sponsored by the CIO Innovation Insider Council, dedicated to Business Digital Leaders who want to be a part of 20% of the planet and help their businesses win with innovation and transformation.

* Outro music provided by Ben’s Sound

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About Bill Murphy
Bill Murphy is a world renowned IT Security Expert dedicated to your success as an IT business leader. Follow Bill on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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