This week my guests are Mark Mandel and Francesc Campoy Flores who run the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Podcast. They produce a weekly podcast discussing everything on Google Cloud Platform that would benefit your business. As you look at alternatives like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, you should also look at Google Cloud Platform.

Our conversation is super techy, but very informative. Listen to the interview and learn more about Google Cloud Platform

Major Take-Aways From This Episode:

The GCP Podcast interviews Google product managers and engineers who answer questions from listeners. Google’s philosophy of Open Cloud is explained. Google App Engine and managed services explained. Kubernetes and Container Orchestration (Google Container Engine) at scale - @ 16:00 Google Cloud is open as it is the best place to run Open Source technologies. No vendor lock-in; minimizing all operations that are not a part of your business. The concept of “Lift and Shift”. “On Demand” managed services - Helping customers orchestrate their projects in the Cloud and available to everyone. Open source product, Spinnaker – automated launcher for common things; Container builder – sets up steps of a workflow. Why you need a better observability of your system? Difference between “Go Programming”, “Python”, and “C++” @ 27:00. Who is Go Programming Language for? Code that is easy to learn for decision-makers. The direction the future programming talent is heading to. Other key resources:  TensorFlow  open-source machine learning framework  Greenfield Platform @ 8:00  Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM)  - unified view into security policy across your entire organization, with built-in auditing to ease compliance processes.  Episode #25 on GCP Podcast, Interview with Go team members.  Episode #100 with Vint Cerf, one of Internet founders, on GCP podcast

Read full transcript here.

About Mark Mandel

Mark Mandel is a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform. Hailing from Australia, Mark built his career developing backend web applications which included several widely adopted open source projects, and running an international conference in Melbourne for several years. Since then he has focused on becoming a polyglot developer, building systems in Go, JRuby and Clojure on a variety of infrastructures. In his spare time he plays with his dog, trains martial arts and reads too much fantasy literature.

About Francesc Campoy Flores

Francesc Campoy Flores is a Developer Advocate for Go and the Cloud at Google. He joined the Go team in 2012 and since then he has written some considerable didactic resources and traveled the world attending conferences, organizing live courses, and meeting fellow gophers. He joined Google in 2011 as a backend software engineer working mostly in C++ and Python, but it was with Go that he rediscovered how fun programming can be.

Where to Find Google Cloud Platform Podcast Email: [email protected] Twitter: GCPPodcast Google Plus: +GCPPodcast Reddit: /r/gcppodcast

Ways to connect with Mark and Francesc:

Mark Mandel:

Twitter Website LinkedIn

Francesc Campoy Flores:

Twitter Website LinkedIn

This episode is sponsored by the CIO Innovation Insider Offense and Defense Community, dedicated to Business Digital Leaders who want to be a part of 20% of the planet and help their businesses win with innovation and transformation.

* Outro music provided by Ben’s Sound

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About Bill Murphy

Bill Murphy is a world renowned Innovation and Transformation (Offense and Defense) Expert dedicated to your success as an IT business leader. Follow Bill on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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