In Episode #38 Bill interviews Eric Vanderburg, a thought-leader and Director of Information Systems and Security at JurInnov, a cyber security and forensics company that helps businesses get back on their feet following a security breach.  Listen as Bill and Eric discuss life as “Sherriff of the Internet,” virtual versus augmented reality, and various elements of upscale IT security. 

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Time Stamped Show Notes:

01:40 – Bill welcomes Eric to the show 02:01 – What it’s like being the “Sherriff of the Internet”? 03:10 – Microsoft Hololens—Microsoft’s take on Google Glass 04:48 – Eric defines an innovative, real world application for Microsoft Hololens 05:47 – Fashion 07:31 – Other applications for Hololens 07:59 – Video conferencing 08:53 – Eric defines his idea generating process 09:39 – Virtual reality is cutting us away from the real world, whereas augmented reality allows reality and the virtual to coexist 10:49 – The problem with technology is that it allows us to connect at such grand scale that—in some ways—it prevents us from actually connecting 11:30 – Virtual reality and augmented reality are both industry terms 12:19 – How Eric forms his ideas and brings them to market 13:27 – Eric’s top 2-3 sites for leveraging security information 14:44 – Ideas can be lost real fast—capture them as they arise 16:09 – David Cross of Microsoft Azure 16:50 – Muse 18:58 – Data can help us to train our brains 19:19 – Heartmath 21:25 – The medical device industry is growing at 400% per year in terms of technological advancement 21:46 – Explaining corporate espionage and how inter-company hacks work 23:34 – The dark web makes it incredibly easy to perform corporate espionage 24:44 – Countries go through a maturity process where technologies are simply stolen 27:00 – Eric’s role as an expert witness in IT Security trials 29:15 – The importance of the investigative track 30:00 – eDiscovery as it pertains to email and file systems 31:09 – Before adopting a technology, you need to fully understand and appreciate all the potential impact it can have 32:20 – You can say something 1000x times but until it actually happens to them, most people don’t pay attention to all the risks 33:08 – Top questions for a CIO to ask to start the impetus to plan for an attack 36:48 – Hybrid clouds versus full-cloud deployments 38:44 – When data is in unstructured file types, the normal tools used to run against it are ineffective 39:46 – Subtopic for a CIO Mastermind—finding qualified talent 41:01 – How AI will impact IT Security and Business IT Leadership moving forward 42:26 – Theses days, data is used to gather even more data, which is then used to create revenue 43:00 – Bots are just the new wave of malware 43:27 – We are in the midst of the Cold War of technology 44:38 – Businesses are struggling to even deploy anti-virus software 45:12 – It behooves business owners to evaluate the methods and means in which their IT will be used 46:58 – IT Security awareness needs to be ramped up

3-5 Key Points:

The future isn’t in virtual reality, it’s in augmented reality. Technology has given us the ability to connect in ways never before imagined—that being said, if abused or misused, it actually drives us further apart. Fully understand a technology before bringing it into your home or business. As the years progress, expect most businesses to favor hybrid cloud solutions over full-cloud deployments.

Resources Mentioned:

Microsoft Hololens –The first fully untethered, holographic computer Muse – Brain tracking and meditation device Heartmath – A company that helps correlate the relationship between the heart and mind @evanderburg – Eric’s Twitter handle Security Thinking Cap – Eric’s blog and access to his publications


Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives

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