Gas prices have risen now that cap and trade has taken effect in Ontario. Could we see prices continue to increase?

Ian Lee. Sprott School of Business. Carleton University.

What will be some of the biggest challenges and hurdles of 2017 for City Council? Laura Babcock. President, PowerGroup.

Anti-racism activists are hoping that new provincial rules in regards to carding/street checks can be the start of a change in policing culture.

Sarah Jama, Co-President of the McMaster Womanists organization and Co-organizer of the Anti Racism Action Initative

Gas prices have risen now that cap and trade has taken effect in Ontario. Could we see prices continue to increase?

Ian Lee. Sprott School of Business. Carleton University.

What will be some of the biggest challenges and hurdles of 2017 for City Council? Laura Babcock. President, PowerGroup.

Anti-racism activists are hoping that new provincial rules in regards to carding/street checks can be the start of a change in policing culture.

Sarah Jama, Co-President of the McMaster Womanists organization and Co-organizer of the Anti Racism Action Initative