More and more stories of violence in schools are emerging. Teachers are sharing experiences of children who hit, scream and curse. What can be done to protect students and teachers? How safe and secure are our schools? Do the procedures in the public board and Catholic board differ? Are there areas of improvement?

Guest: Patrick Daly, Chairperson for the Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board.

Guest: Sylvia Bin Von, Manager of Social Work Services, Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board. 

Guest: Peter Sovran, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board. Executive Superintendant ofSchools. 

Guest: Sgt Jonathan Alsbergas, Youth Services Coordinator, Hamilton Police Services.

More and more stories of violence in schools are emerging. Teachers are sharing experiences of children who hit, scream and curse. What can be done to protect students and teachers? How safe and secure are our schools? Do the procedures in the public board and Catholic board differ? Are there areas of improvement?

Guest: Patrick Daly, Chairperson for the Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board.

Guest: Sylvia Bin Von, Manager of Social Work Services, Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board. 

Guest: Peter Sovran, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board. Executive Superintendant of

Guest: Sgt Jonathan Alsbergas, Youth Services Coordinator, Hamilton Police Services.