Elections for the police board are coming up this Thursday. Will we see any new faces? Lloyd Ferguson. City Councillor, Ward 12, City of Hamilton.

What are the big projects on the agenda for 2017 in the City of Hamilton. What optimism is there for the City’s plans for this year? Chris Murray. City Manager, City of Hamilton

The Hamilton School board issued a report back in November which would call for the closure of several schools including Bennetto, Cathy Wever, and Strathcona. A group of parents are fighting against the closure of Hess Street School and will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday January 11th. David Heska, Keep Hess Open, on the parent council at Hess Street school

Elections for the police board are coming up this Thursday. Will we see any new faces? Lloyd Ferguson. City Councillor, Ward 12, City of Hamilton.

What are the big projects on the agenda for 2017 in the City of Hamilton. What optimism is there for the City’s plans for this year? Chris Murray. City Manager, City of Hamilton

The Hamilton School board issued a report back in November which would call for the closure of several schools including Bennetto, Cathy Wever, and Strathcona. A group of parents are fighting against the closure of Hess Street School and will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday January 11th. David Heska, Keep Hess Open, on the parent council at Hess Street school