Photo: (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Donald Trump backtracked again, reverting back to his original comments on Saturday about Charlottesville, saying that it was the fault of many sides. This went further downhill when he said the “alt-left” protestors were violently attacking the other group. He also defended Steve Bannon, mentioned his winery in Charlottesville and says race relations have gotten better during his presidency.

Guest: George Breckenridge, Retired Political Science Professor, McMaster University.

Photo: (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Donald Trump backtracked again, reverting back to his original comments on Saturday about Charlottesville, saying that it was the fault of many sides. This went further downhill when he said the “alt-left” protestors were violently attacking the other group. He also defended Steve Bannon, mentioned his winery in Charlottesville and says race relations have gotten better during his presidency.

Guest: George Breckenridge, Retired Political Science Professor, McMaster University.