Phpto: (Dominic Lipinski/PA via AP)

Various announcements have been taking place over the last few weeks involving the province’s Labour and Employment sector. First off was the announcement about minimum wage increasing to $15. Now, new legislation ensures that workers can take atleast 10 sick days a year without needing a doctors note.

Guest: Ian Lee. Sprott School of Business. Carleton University.

What made the government makes these decisions for labour and employment reform? Are these changes practical?

Guest: Kevin Flynn, Minister of Labour for the Ontario government. 

Yesterday was a massive day in Washington as former FBI director James Comey testified in front of a Senate Intelligence Committee. He said that he chronicled the conversations between himself and the President and later that he tipped off the media bout said notes to force the appointment of a special investigator.

Guest: Laura Babcock. President, PowerGroup.

The gamble that Theresa May took by calling for a snap election has backfired as her party lost the majority government in Britain. She’s currently meeting with the Queen to discuss whether she can open government. The results look like they may trigger a period of political uncertainty especially around Brexit negotiations.

Guest: Marvin Ryder. Business Professor, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University.

Phpto: (Dominic Lipinski/PA via AP)

Various announcements have been taking place over the last few weeks involving the province’s Labour and Employment sector. First off was the announcement about minimum wage increasing to $15. Now, new legislation ensures that workers can take atleast 10 sick days a year without needing a doctors note.

Guest: Ian Lee. Sprott School of Business. Carleton University.

What made the government makes these decisions for labour and employment reform? Are these changes practical?

Guest: Kevin Flynn, Minister of Labour for the Ontario government. 

Yesterday was a massive day in Washington as former FBI director James Comey testified in front of a Senate Intelligence Committee. He said that he chronicled the conversations between himself and the President and later that he tipped off the media bout said notes to force the appointment of a special investigator.

Guest: Laura Babcock. President, PowerGroup.

The gamble that Theresa May took by calling for a snap election has backfired as her party lost the majority government in Britain. She’s currently meeting with the Queen to discuss whether she can open government. The results look like they may trigger a period of political uncertainty especially around Brexit negotiations.

Guest: Marvin Ryder. Business Professor, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University.