Photo: (KRT via AP Video)

Hamilton Ward 3 Councillor Matthew Green wants to see his fellow councilors adding their support to a movement to have the HSR operate the LRT. The motion will be brought forward on Monday to the General Issues Committee.

Guest: Ryan McGreal, Editor of Raise the Hammer.

Figures released by the Ontario government says that foreign buyer activity in Ontario is at about 5%. The area in question stretches from Niagara region to Peterborough. The government however admitted that it didn’t have good data on the role of foreign buyers in the market.

Guest: Lou Piriano, President of the Realtor’s Association of Hamilton – Burlington.

North Korea has said that it has test fired an intercontinental ballistic missile but is it actually getting anywhere? How concerned is our government? The USA has requested a closed door meeting at the UN Security council to discuss the launch.

Guest: Benoit Hardy-Chartrand, Senior Research Associate, Global Security and Politics with CIGI.

Photo: (KRT via AP Video)

Hamilton Ward 3 Councillor Matthew Green wants to see his fellow councilors adding their support to a movement to have the HSR operate the LRT. The motion will be brought forward on Monday to the General Issues Committee.

Guest: Ryan McGreal, Editor of Raise the Hammer.

Figures released by the Ontario government says that foreign buyer activity in Ontario is at about 5%. The area in question stretches from Niagara region to Peterborough. The government however admitted that it didn’t have good data on the role of foreign buyers in the market.

Guest: Lou Piriano, President of the Realtor’s Association of Hamilton – Burlington.

North Korea has said that it has test fired an intercontinental ballistic missile but is it actually getting anywhere? How concerned is our government? The USA has requested a closed door meeting at the UN Security council to discuss the launch.

Guest: Benoit Hardy-Chartrand, Senior Research Associate, Global Security and Politics with CIGI.