Is boxing day shopping at a regular mall dead or alive and kicking? Yorkdale Mall in Toronto saw roughly 120,000 shoppers yesterday looking for Boxing Day deals? Is online sales killing the mall really? Ian Lee. Sprott School of Business. Carleton University.

 President Obama says that if he was allowed to run for a third term, he definitely would’ve won against Trump. Michael Diamond, Principal of Upstream Strategy Group in Toronto. Conservative, political pundit

 An Ipsos Reid poll says that a majority of Canadians would like to see ties to the monarchy cut once the Queen passes. Robert Finch, Monarchist League of Canada

Is boxing day shopping at a regular mall dead or alive and kicking? Yorkdale Mall in Toronto saw roughly 120,000 shoppers yesterday looking for Boxing Day deals? Is online sales killing the mall really? Ian Lee. Sprott School of Business. Carleton University.

 President Obama says that if he was allowed to run for a third term, he definitely would’ve won against Trump. Michael Diamond, Principal of Upstream Strategy Group in Toronto. Conservative, political pundit

 An Ipsos Reid poll says that a majority of Canadians would like to see ties to the monarchy cut once the Queen passes. Robert Finch, Monarchist League of Canada