A pitch will be going forward to council for adding a splash of colour to the International Village. They’d like to install a “rainbow crosswalk” to celebrate inclusiveness and celebrate the LGBTQ community. Is the rainbow cross walk a good idea?Deirdre Pike. Senior Social Planner, Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton.

Canadian military commanders have been warned that veterans that suffer from mental illnesses are being bullied by fellow soldiers online. The fear is that due to this, it could prompt some to commit suicide. Michael Blais. President & Founder of Canadians Veterans Advocacy.

The City of Hamilton is looking at resurrecting a graffiti fighting plan that would help targeted homeowners.Sam Merulla. City Councillor, Ward 4, City of Hamilton

A pitch will be going forward to council for adding a splash of colour to the International Village. They’d like to install a “rainbow crosswalk” to celebrate inclusiveness and celebrate the LGBTQ community. Is the rainbow cross walk a good idea?Deirdre Pike. Senior Social Planner, Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton.

Canadian military commanders have been warned that veterans that suffer from mental illnesses are being bullied by fellow soldiers online. The fear is that due to this, it could prompt some to commit suicide. Michael Blais. President & Founder of Canadians Veterans Advocacy.

The City of Hamilton is looking at resurrecting a graffiti fighting plan that would help targeted homeowners.
Sam Merulla. City Councillor, Ward 4, City of Hamilton