Is plagiarism in political speeches common? Melania Trump has received flack over having an extremely similar speech to what Michelle Obama did in 2008. Michael Taube,  Stephen Harper’s former speech writer

Yesterday, Melania Trump spoke at the Republican National Convention and now comparisons are being drawn to Michelle Obama’s speech. Also; Trump’s first appearance and today being focused on the economy. Andrew Lawyton

There may be fervor inside the Republican National Convention for Trump but there are Republicans who do not like the idea of  Trump presidency. Michael Diamond, Conservative,political pundit

Anti-racial profiling activists are upset on the fact that there hasn’t been consultation with them on new draft policies on carding and street checks. Lloyd Ferguson. City Councillor, Ward 12, City of Hamilton

Is plagiarism in political speeches common? Melania Trump has received flack over having an extremely similar speech to what Michelle Obama did in 2008. Michael Taube,  Stephen Harper’s former speech writer

Yesterday, Melania Trump spoke at the Republican National Convention and now comparisons are being drawn to Michelle Obama’s speech. Also; Trump’s first appearance and today being focused on the economy. Andrew Lawyton

There may be fervor inside the Republican National Convention for Trump but there are Republicans who do not like the idea of  Trump presidency. Michael Diamond, Conservative,political pundit

Anti-racial profiling activists are upset on the fact that there hasn’t been consultation with them on new draft policies on carding and street checks. Lloyd Ferguson. City Councillor, Ward 12, City of Hamilton