As I edited this episode and I work on our stories I often think that bicycling doesn't really matter right now. I mean, I know that riding bikes always matters to some people in some ways... But with so many more serious things going on it can feel not just less important, but talking and creating content about bicycling can even feel insensitive given all the other more serious things going in people's lives right now.

But for many of us who are lucky enough enough to be able to do so, knowing that we can look forward to a bike ride, is one of things that gives us hope, keeps us going, and provides some levity and balance in gloomy times. And if you consider the mental and physical benefits of bicycling, it actually isn't such a trivial thing at all.  In some ways, riding our bikes, setting future goals, and having rides to look forward to, is more important these days than it has ever been.

On that note, in this week's episode I wanted to help us all - if just for a few minutes - stop doomscrolling and start thinking about where we'll be rolling on our bikes in the coming year.

Oregon is a paradise for great bike rides, and as spring approaches I wanted to let you know about some of the great rides on the calendar. To help paint the picture of what's to come, in this episode I'll share interviews with organizers of some of the best bike rides in the state. I'm talking classics like Cycle Oregon, the Swift Summit, Oregon Coast Gravel Epic, and so on.

In this episode, you'll get to know:

Swift Summit founder Trevor SpangleMike Ripley of Mudslinger Events, the man behind the Oregon Coast Gravel Epic, Oregon Gran Fondo, and many othersAnne Marie Hingley and Chris Distefano from Cycle Oregon, the ride that in many respects is the grandaddy of them all.

So grab a pen, grab your calendars, and let's start planning your 2022 riding season.

More links:

From Portland to Eugene on Two Wheels - A recap of a ride on many of the same roads used on Swift Summit route.Recap of Mike Ripley's 2018 Oregon Coast Gravel Epic Cycle Oregon is back, will head to Painted Hills on 7-day ride - Our latest on 2022 Cycle Oregon rides

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Our theme music is by Kevin Hartnell.