THE WEEKEND STARTS HERE (even though it’s Saturday). As BBC4 dedicates a evening to The Story of Ready Steady Go! we ask just what it was that made the bob-haired Cathy McGowan modfest the platonic ideal of youth TV? Plus alien gross-out horror in a new movie adaptation of HP Lovecraft’s Color Out Of Space and Radiohead’s sonic masseur Nigel Godrich returns with his micro-supergroup Ultraísta, 

Frugging on the podium with Siân and Andrew this week are journo-about-town Michael Moran and Ian Harrison, MOJO Magazine news editor and free-spirited Liam to elder brother Andrew’s stern and humourless Noel.  

Produced and presented by Andrew Harrison and Siân Pattenden. Audio production by Robin Leeburn. Bigmouth is a Podmasters production. 

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