Ever have a conversation that is just SO impactful on your life you wish you could share it with everyone? That’s exactly what our conversation on today’s episode of The BiggerPockets Podcast is! Our guest, AJ Osborne, has an incredible story of building his real estate business, which focuses on self-storage facilities, as a way to transition his family from “rich” to “wealthy” - and yes, there is a difference! This show is PACKED with insight from AJ, including:

How a loss on their first deal directly led to millions of dollars in later profit
How to find underperforming real estate deals
How he made $13,000,000 in equity from a old-Kmart building
And the medical emergency that put his real estate to the ultimate survival test while AJ fought for his life (this story will shock, amaze, and inspire you!)
This show is one of the most powerful episodes yet of The BiggerPockets Podcast and we’re excited for you to dive in!

Click here to listen on BiggerPockets.
