My name is Joe Burnich. This is my first crack at podcasting for my business Big West Marketing. In this episode I talk about what we do for our clients here at Big West Marketing. Basically we empower home service businesses to take their businesses to the next level with web design and search engine optimization (SEO). 

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Partial Transcript:

This is Joe Burnich with Big West Marketing. This is my first crack at doing a podcast. I really have no idea what I'm doing. I'm usually on YouTube doing YouTube stuff, but I thought I'd give this a try. See if we can get any traction with podcasting. I'm always trying new marketing things and podcasting is something I have never jumped into. So, here's my little trial first episode. Welcome everybody, if you are listening to this.

Big West Marketing. What is it that I do or that we do here at Big West Marketing? Well, let me give you a little overview. Currently, we are a nine person team including myself, so I have eight employees. Two are part-time, six are full-time and we primarily help service businesses, home service businesses, take it to the next level by providing a proven marketing formula that includes web design and search engine optimization.

So we create a website, not just any website, but a website that is built to convert. What does convert mean? Convert means that when somebody lands on your website, they have the highest chance of calling you, filling out a form, emailing you, taking action, because they are looking for your service. They look at three or four different websites on the internet when they're searching for, let's say, electrical contractor in Houston, Texas. They're going to look at several different companies, several different websites before they pick up the phone and call, unless they're just looking for a quick deal and they're looking for a coupon or something like that. But most people, they want to look that are searching around on Google, they've got an issue, they need some sort of installation or some sort of repair. What they do is they click on several websites and they're like, "Okay, what's this person all about? Do I like this person?" And you notice I used the word person. I'm not using the word company. People want to work with people.

When they get on a website and there's lots of, I don't know, big moving pictures and generic stock photography that is not branded to that electrician's business, then people are less likely to take action and call that person. What they want to see is, who are the people behind this business? If you get on a website and you see a big picture of an electrical contractor, but you see the big picture of all the crew and big smiling faces, and they're all uniformed and they're ready to go. The higher end clients are going to be more likely to resonate with that picture than the picture of some hands inside of an electrical box working on some stuff. They know you do electricity. They know you work on wires. They don't need you to remind them of that. What you need to tell them in order to separate yourself apart from the competition is that you're professional, you're personable and they don't have to worry about who's coming into the house.

There was a big research study done, I don't know, 10 years ago where they asked a bunch of homemakers, females, that are the decision-makers in the home when it comes to any kind of repairs, upgrades, remodels, any of that kind of stuff. They asked them what the number one thing is when it comes to hiring a service professional. It wasn't price. It wasn't whether or not you're licensed. It wasn't whether or not you're insured, all that stuff's important, I know. But the number one thing was, what kind of person is coming into my house...