Our guest on today's Big Time Talker podcast powered by Speakermatch is Rena Cook, the founder of Vocal Authority, a training, and development business serving corporate clients - including managers, politicians, attorneys, teachers, clergy and CEOs - who want to use their voice in more commanding and authentic ways.

Rena says that in the age of coronavirus, we all need to learn how to better communicate from behind masks, on Zoom calls, etc. and she shares tips on how to do it!

Rena is an author, speaker, coach, voice-over artist and Professor Emeritus at the University of Oklahoma School of Drama. Rena holds an M.A. in Voice Studies from London's Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, an M.F.A. in Directing from OU and an M.A. in Guidance & Counseling from TU. She is the author of Empower you Voice: For Women in Business, Politics and Life (available in December 2017), and Voice and the Young Actor. She co-edited Breath in Action: The Art of Breath in Vocal and Holistic Practice and was Editor-in-chief of the Voice and Speech Review. Rena taught High School Drama for 16 years before she graduated to higher education. For the next two decades she taught professional actors, many of whom can be seen on Broadway, film and television. Through Vocal Authority, Rena adapts actor training techniques to help individuals and groups be more confident and dynamic communicators.

Visit Rena Cook online at www.myvocalauthority.com.