Are you brave enough to stay the night at the haunted Myrtles Plantation? I did. Join me as I talk about the exciting stops on my summer vacation through the south, here in the US. Other paranormal spots included the King's Tavern in Natchez, MS, Oak Alley Plantation, and the Lalaurie Mansion in New Orleans. 


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In this episode:

 A quick summary of this episode! :38

 Leaving St. Louis for Lamberts Cafe in Sikeston, MO 1:54

 Stayed the night at the Hilton Memphis (Sorry, Elvis) 2:49 We arrived in the beautiful and historic Natchez, MS. View the photos I took around the city in my Natchez album on Flickr. 3:14  King’s Tavern — Featured on Ghost Adventures in Season 7, episode 18 from 2013. Kings Tavern is the oldest standing building in the Mississippi Territory and Natchez and its history goes all the way back to 1769. 3:36  Plan B and stumbling into a beautiful surprise! 4:17  Dinner at the historic Bowie’s Tavern — We talked to some residents who recommended we have dinner at Bowie’s Tavern, which is on Broadway in Natchez. And they made a great choice for us. Good food and really nice people. The historic building overlooks the Mississippi river and was originally a cotton warehouse. They also proudly display a mahogany bar that was built around 1880. They also have lodging on the upper floor with a view of the river! 5:04  Spending the morning in the beautiful Natchez City Cemetery for some photography. Check out that photo album on Flickr. 6:03  The mysterious and unique grave of Florence Irene Ford (Sept 3, 1861 - Oct 30, 1871), who died of yellow fever at the age of 10. This grave was constructed with a set of open concrete stairs that descend next to what would be the head of Florence’s body, with the headstone above. Learn more about this grave at 8:05  Before leaving Natchez, we toured the Monmouth Mansion (built in 1818) and the beautiful gardens and small cemetery that surrounds it. Check out my Monmouth Mansion photo album on Flickr. 10:03  The Myrtles Plantation (built circa. 1796) in St. Francisville, LA — If you are as big of a paranerd as I am, you’ve probably seen the Ghost Hunters investigation of Myrtles from way back in 2005, episode 1 of their 2nd season. You’ve also probably seen the The Ghost Adventures crew investigate the place just last year in season 9, episode 2. 10:46  The lovely Miss Hester 11:33  Some audio with a little bit of the atmosphere of the haunted Myrtles Plantation. 12:25  The Myrtles Plantation Tour 14:15  Some of the legends of the Myrtles Plantation 16:18  The Haunted Mirror 17:01  The ghost of Chloe — Probably the biggest legend of the Myrtles. Chloe was supposedly the slave closest to the Woodruff family, who purchased the home in 1820 and remodeled it. Was she Mr. Woodruff’s mistress? Did she poison Mrs. Woodruff, along with Cornelia and James, two of the children? Was one of her ears cut off? And was she hung from a nearby tree? 19:03  The nursery, or the “Ruffin Stirling Room”, which is where we stayed for the night. The two children, Cornelia and James Woodruff, were apparently taken to this room, where they later died. 21:26  Kate, Cleo, Voodoo, and other deaths at the Myrtles. 21:47  More about the “terrifying” bed shaking experiences that have been reported in the nursery/Ruffin Stirling Room. 22:34  Before bed we tried to reach out to any of the spirits of the Myrtles by conducting an EVP, Spirit Box, and Ouija session in the nursery. 23:06  Who changed the track on my recorder while we were sleeping? 26:23  More audio of me touring the grounds of the Myrtles, including the pond and cabins around the back of the property. 28:26  View my Myrtles Plantation photo album on Flickr.  Our visit to Grace Cemetery and the Grace Episcopal Church in St. Francisville, LA. You can find the Grace Cemetery photo album on Flickr. 30:18  The beautiful and reportedly haunted Oak Alley Plantation in Vacherie, LA. It’s one of the more popular plantations. In fact, you’ve probably seen it in photos or even as the Hollywood backdrop of a movie or two. It was featured in Season 4, episode 19 of Ghost Hunters in 2008. The rows of 300 year old oak trees are breath taking. Check out my Oak Alley Plantation album on Flickr. 32:36  Heading to New Orleans and the overwhelming heaviness or anxiety that I was feeling. 33:45  Our stay at the Hotel St. Marie in the French Quarter, and its connection to American Horror Story: Coven. 34:25  Bourbon Street 35:15  Our spectacular dinner and experience at the Oceana Grill 35:30  Incense, sage, tarot cards, and my mom’s visit to the Voodoo shops (Marie Laveau’s House of Voodoo and Reverend Zombie’s House of Voodoo)! 35:43  Cafe Beignet for lunch 36:20  Dinner and my delicious Po’boy at the Vacherie Restaurant at the Hotel St. Marie. 36:32  On the way out the French Quarter, mom dropped me off at the Lalaurie Mansion. Hopefully you remember my interview with Victoria Cosner Love, who authored the book on Madame Delphine Lalaurie, the real life murderess portrayed in American Horror Story: Coven. If not, you can check out episode 7 of the podcast from August 6, 2014. 36:47  Metairie Cemetery in New Orleans. Those photos can be found in an album on Flickr. 37:35  What’s the opposite of the French Quarter in New Orleans? Long Beach, MS, which was the last leg of our trip. Long Beach is not far from Gulf Port, MS. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express for a few nights. 38:28  On our first night we had dinner at Shaggy’s right on the beach near Gulfport. 39:26  The White Cap Seafood Restaurant in Gulfport. 39:41  The Papa Johns delivery guy in Long Beach is a fellow podcast nerd! 39:49 


Shout Outs! Thanks, StevenXm and American Ghoul for your iTunes reviews, and Tracy for the spooctacular photo and the e-mail! 40:47  What’s coming up next week? 42:30  This week’s blooper — a visit from my four-legged son Meril, who was apparently very thirsty! 44:32



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