Have you ever wondered what it’s like to get a medical intuitive reading? If so, this episode is for you! Patrick shares the audio of his mother's reading by previous guest and medical intuitive, Terry Andersen. Visit BigSeance.com/131 for more info.

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In this episode: 

Intro :00

Terry Andersen is a psychic medium and medical intuitive who I sat down with in episode 129. After that interview, Terry offered to give my mom Linda a reading, and both her and my mom were open to recording the reading for your listening pleasure! For my full interview with Terry, visit BigSeance.com/129 :42

Pouring the tea 2:10

The reading 2:24

A special THANK YOU to Patreon supporters at the Super Paranerd and Parlor Guest level! 30:55

Stay tuned for an upcoming episode with friends and previous guests, Ash Riley and Slade Roberson! 32:38

Outro 33:05


For more on Terry Andersen:


Terry Andersen’s Facebook Group


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