A fun conversation with Amber Choisella, who is a psychic medium, therapist, and a spiritual development mentor. Hear the childhood experiences that led to her understanding the benefits of counseling. Get ready to "Blossom and Rise." Visit BigSeance.com/133 for more info. 

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In this episode:

Episode Teaser :00

Intro 1:01

Psychic medium Amber Choisella can be found at BlossomAndRise.com and Facebook.com/BlossomAndRise. 1:35

Amber’s bio and choosing our beverages 2:29

The childhood experiences that caused Amber to struggle with fear and anxiety 5:36

Communicating the message of life after death with the wave of a finger 8:48

The events surrounding her Grandfather’s death and how that led to her developing her mediumship skills 11:15

The benefits of counseling 14:47 

Metaphysical/spiritual counseling and the fear of being open about paranormal experiences 17:02

The beginnings of Blossom and Rise and combining counseling with spirituality 19:45

The differences between traditional and metaphysical counseling 22:31

Deciding how to best implement metaphysical counseling for an individual 24:31

The importance of breathing 26:18

Mediumship readings with clients 27:38

More on Blossom and Rise 29:45

Amber's tips for people starting out on their own spiritual journeys, PLUS it’s okay to just roll with spiritual burnout. 31:58

Outside of the world of the metaphysical and counseling, what kind of nerd is Amber Choisella? 36:42

Final thoughts. “Don’t get too caught up in the ‘right now’”. 38:29

A special THANK YOU to Patreon supporters at the Super Paranerd and Parlor Guest level! 39:31

Outro 41:05

#Paranerd Hashtag 42:43


For more on Amber Choisella:




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