Extra Life! 2014! Awesomeness! Unwitting hilarity! Sleep deprivation! All of these things!

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Extra Life! 2014! Awesomeness! Unwitting hilarity! Sleep deprivation! All of these things!

Once again, the team at Big Red Barrel will be getting thoroughly stuck into Extra Life – the 24-hour gaming marathon that raises money for sick kids who truly need some help to get through the toughest time in their lives – this Saturday, October 25th.

Kev and Dan will be taking point from 8am (UK time) on Saturday and broadcasting their exploits on BRB’s Twitch channel. They’ll be joined by the great and good of BRB throughout the day and will be, amongst other things, flinging themselves at the door of the Vault of Glass in Destiny for the first time and abjectly failing at getting anywhere in Diablo III‘s hardcore mode.

You can help too – either by getting involved in Team BRB or by making a donation, no matter how big or small. Every single cent goes straight into providing the health care that these kids so desperately need.

You can check out BRB’s Extra Life team at www.extra-life.org/team/brb where you can either make a donation to a team member or even join up yourself.

See you Saturday!



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The post Team BRB and Extra Life 2014! appeared first on Big Red Barrel.