Tina Woods is Director of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity secretariat and CEO of Collider Health; who work with private, public and third sectors to accelerate innovation and transform health with sustainable impact at scale

She also leads the Open Life Data Framework and is the author of ‘Live Longer with AI: How artificial intelligence is helping us extend our healthspans and live better too'. She is also one of the authors of the influential ‘Levelling Up Health’ Report — which was supported by the Health Secretary and CMO.

Essentially, Tina is someone who has a truly big picture view of everything needed to add five years of healthy life expectancy while minimising health inequalities.

It’s easy for doctors and medical researchers to believe that their contributions are what will really move the needle in improving the world’s health — but really, we’re a small part of that picture.

We talk about what we can learn from fintech, whether government is useless and it’s the Elon Musks of the world who will drive change and how to spearhead a movement and really make things happen.

Tina is really fascinating — I hope you enjoy.