Why should doctors learn how to code?

Josh is really cool. He’s an Australian doctor on a big mission — to empower medics with code.

Josh recently released Code Blue: An Introduction to Programming for Doctors. I highly, highly recommend picking this up for a 0–100 guide on coding for medics: https://gum.co/NMtSD 

We talk about why you should learn how to code as a medic — but then I push back and challenge Josh — I ask him why you should bother learning how to code when a) no doctor I’ve spoken to in MedTech actually codes much themselves and b) when today, there are so many good no-code solutions out there

Finally Josh explains how to start coding for two very different types of medics:

Firstly, the hustler, the entrepreneur, the person who doesn’t care about the tools or computers — they just want to build their next startup.

Secondly, he explains the path for the academic, who wants to understand the nuts and bolts, build their own models, publish papers and work with companies like DeepMind/Google Health.

I hope you enjoy.

Find Josh

Twitter: @_JoshCase https://twitter.com/_JoshCase

You can find me on Twitter @MustafaSultan and subscribe to my newsletter on www.musty.io

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