On this week's episode of the BMS® Podcast, Danielle welcomes Licensed NBR® Artist, Brette Cody on the show!

This week they tackle the topic of consistency and how it's easier to keep up than to catch up! 

How many times do you find that you lose momentum and then you have to start over at the beginning? Over & over again. 

There is a false illusion that you’re “BUSY,” but you’re actually not progressing. 

You still don’t have time for anything else, you still are not actually hitting the next level because you are not committing to progressing.

You keep having to start over at the beginning, all because you are not staying consistent. 

So don't get stuck in the mindset that everything has to be perfect.

That is the worst place that you can be!

Nothing is going to be perfect.

Of course, there are some days when you hit your goals out of the park & there are some days when you’re not even close to hitting the mark. 

That is okay! That is also why being consistent is SO important. 

If you could create ANYTHING you wanted to do, what would that look like for you? 

You hit a burnout phase when you are constantly starting over and running on that hamster wheel.

You have to have that realization & those moments that are going to push you into committing. 

Give yourself permission to change your story. 

When your commitment to yourself is SO strong, you cannot ever go backward. Failure is not an option. 

Push yourself to want more. 

Push yourself to be better. 

Stop listening to people tell you that you can’t do something.

Stop listening to the noise. You really need to CHOOSE that is what you want. 

Your life is going to go by whether you want it to or not.

Spend your time wisely, and make sure you do things that set you up for success to hit your goals and no longer play catch up!

If you're ready to level up, then let us show you how to be consistent as an Artist in both your business and personal life.

Join us in education this year! DKW® Styling Academy is currently available for open enrollment, so apply today and schedule your consultation call!

And if The Academy isn't the right fit and you're ready to start your NBR® Journey, then it's time you join the NBR® Online Course