Today I am talking with Chris Miles, the “cash flow expert” on the craziness of a full household, how he creates cash flow for thousands of his clients, his definition of infinite banking, and creating acceleration in your finances.

Minute Markers:

00:28 – Welcome Chris Miles

02:25 – The Business Side of Chris Miles 

03:41 – Retirement versus Financial Independence

05:33 – Infinite banking

09:21 – What infinite banking does

11:40 – How Chris helps folks build cash flow

14:50 – How do you tap into equity?

17:39 – Mutual Funds

19:15 – How do we create acceleration?

22:18 – The cost of money versus what you are collecting on the money

23:00 – How Chris works with his clients/where to find Chris

24:13 – Final Thoughts: Infinite Banking

26:12 – Thank you for listening to the Big Mike Fund Podcast


Chris Miles

Money Ripples

The Chris Miles Money Show