This week I (Suzy) go to extreme creative lengths to get some headspace in lockdown round 3 in the UK....

In a desperate bid to hear my own thoughts again, I pack my suitcase with goodies and I drive 2 minutes around the corner, to the edge of the forest. These goodies include, of course, lots of creative materials to get my mojo going again - including pink gin, tiffin, random make up, a boom box, a massive pad, glue and sexy underwear. 

Missing my girls night outs, here I share my top 6 learnings from my Girl Night In (a Campervan), just in case you're inspired to do the same (obviously Lad Night In totally possible too, and Girl Night In A Car...).

Able to hear myself think I also had some revelatory insights - like the fact that the psychological phenomenon of 'hedonic adaptation' is happening to me right now... and I need to get back to hairy hostels as soon as possible to combat this... Tune in for this, and other epiphanies. 

And, if anyone you know is struggling to find headspace right now, why not kindly share this episode with them? 


The article I wrote for Psychologies magazine on the hedonic mill is here

Hugless Douglas is this book 

To follow Big Juicy Creative for loads of inspiration on living creatively, see:

Instagram: @bigjuicycreativeliving

Facebook @bigjuicycreativeliving

LinkedIn: @suzybashford

contact Suzy: [email protected]

And remember, you can still get your free wintspiration fridge poster (family friendly and grown-up versions available!) visit: