Exhaustion and stress in personal relationships are two things that probably have the biggest detrimental effect on my creative mojo - and both of these things have been a feature in my life recently.

As no stranger to depressive illness, I know how important it is to manage emotions (rather than repress them) and creativity is the best way I've found to process difficult feelings.

I share a few ways creativity helps me move my feelings on, so they don't spiral. I hope you find it helpful and if you think it could help someone else, please share!

To follow Big Juicy Creative for loads of inspiration on living creatively, see:

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Facebook @bigjuicycreativeliving

LinkedIn: @suzybashford

Twitter: @suzybashford 

contact Suzy: [email protected]

Big Juicy Creative podcast is available on all major platforms, such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or directly from my website: https://www.bigjuicycreative.co.uk/podcast

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