We all judge people. It's human.    And it's increasingly encouraged in our digital world.   But being judgmental is not good for us, for others or for our creativity.   We can learn how to be more open & less judgy. Here's what I'm doing to address my judgy-ness - especially when it comes to a certain group of women that I judge particularly harshly (and makes me a bit of a hypocrite).

To follow Big Juicy Creative for loads of inspiration on living creatively, see:

Instagram: @bigjuicycreativeliving

Facebook @bigjuicycreativeliving

LinkedIn: @suzybashford

Twitter: @suzybashford 

contact Suzy: [email protected]


We all judge people. It's human.    And it's increasingly encouraged in our digital world.   But being judgmental is not good for us, for others or for our creativity.   We can learn how to be more open & less judgy. Here's what I'm doing to address my judgy-ness - especially when it comes to a certain group of women that I judge particularly harshly (and makes me a bit of a hypocrite).

To follow Big Juicy Creative for loads of inspiration on living creatively, see:

Instagram: @bigjuicycreativeliving

Facebook @bigjuicycreativeliving

LinkedIn: @suzybashford

Twitter: @suzybashford 

contact Suzy: [email protected]


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