Solo episodes are back! After 25 interviews over 2 months for the Spring Series on getting our mojo restored, I'm back talking to myself.

This episode is about the power of reflection. Did you know regular reflection of 15 minutes daily can actually change the structure of your brain? 

There are SO many reasons why self-reflection is a good idea. For health. For happiness. For productivity. For being a better human generally.

But how to fit it in, especially as life gets busier again?

Never fear, Suzy is here with some ideas that you can build seamlessly, and with a laugh, into your life. (Err, that's me, don't know why I suddenly slipped into the 3rd person... I blame a love of rhyme).

Also on this episode is the world premiere of 'Coviderata'; my take on the famous brilliant 'Desiderata' incorporating a Covid update. Tune in to see if I have butchered this artwork, or not.


To follow Big Juicy Creative for loads of inspiration on living creatively, see:

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Twitter: @suzybashford 

contact Suzy: [email protected]

Big Juicy Creative podcast is available on all major platforms, such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or directly from my website:

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