Jeremy Davies is head of communications at the Fatherhood Institute, which promotes the importance of hands-on dads.

So far in this series I've explored a lot about how mums are feeling about the pandemic and what we can do about the fact Covid has led to a weird 1950s timewarp for many. But - what about the dads? How are dads feeling?

I've seen very little coverage of this. Jeremy gives me a fascinating, research-backed insight into this topic. Some of what he said was surprising, and he really made me see the pandemic from another point of view - in fact, he's helped me see parenting and inequality from a completely new perspective!

He's also full of practical tips, which I'm definitely going to be trying. As a former journalist, too, he has some great advice about interrogating the narratives we're often fed by media and whether they're always accurate / helpful.

For more on Jeremy/the Fatherhood Institute:

Twitter: @fatherhoodinst

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