Today’s episode, the 8th in the How to Thrive Winter series is a special one – it’s not an interview, it’s a guided winter visualisation to reprogramme your brain to pick up on all the positive cues about winter. We know winter can be tough at the best of times let alone during a global pandemic, and it's really important we take time to relax and restore. 

This gorgeous, winter warming meditation comes to us courtesy of Shareon Gordon, who is a clinical hypnotherapist at Cairngorm Hynotherapy.

Shareon is not only qualified in hypnotherapy, motivational coaching and NLP, but she’s also one of the loveliest, kindest, most generious women you will meet. Trust me, you are in good hands with her.

Which is why I’m going to leave her to take over now and I’m not going to put an annoying jingle at the end of this one… so feel free to get comfy and snuggle up, perhaps by a roaring fire cuddling your dog/child/partner/book (delete as appropriate!) and put Shareon's gentle Scottish tones in your ears. Let yourself drift off with her words that will be working their magic so you are firmly in the 'love winter' camp by the time you come round.


Cairngorm Hypnotherapy

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