Welcome to The Big Impact Ep 241 as we talk with Amazon best-selling author, Jennifer Shaw about her new book and family story - Dumplings Mean Family.

As a Compassion International artist visiting orphanages overseas, Jennifer Shaw and her husband learned that children who were older or had medical issues were rarely adopted and spent their entire childhoods in orphanages. These heart-breaking experiences led them to purposefully adopt three elementary-aged children with health challenges.

In her #1 Amazon best-selling children's book, DUMPLINGS MEAN FAMILY, Jennifer Shaw shares how her family of five grew to eight in less than two years as she and her husband adopted three children from China.

Jennifer's story was featured in an article for Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller about International Adoption. She is currently doing in person and virtual author visits to public schools, visiting over 10,000 children just this fall to talk about her DUMPLINGS MEAN FAMILY book.



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