Welcome to The Big Impact Ep 245 - Finding Hope In Times of Tragedy - Pastor Cam Walcott

Pastor Cam Walcott describes his family’s struggle towards hope in the midst of unexplainable, extraordinary tragedy. He details the inner struggles he went through and is still going through, having been deprived of his beloved son so unexpectedly. How can we continue to hope in God when everything has been taken away from us?

We also are given stories from Caleb’s life, that will resonate with all parents. We see glimpses into the extremely close relationship Cameron and Caleb shared (as well as glimpses of Caleb’s relationship with the rest of his family). Caleb lived life to the fullest in his short 13 years, excelling in school, sports, music, writing, and walking with God.

Whatever sort of pain you are going through, whatever degree of tragedy you are facing, this book will encourage you to continue to hope in the goodness of God.

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