Managing Director of the Ferrari Consulting and Research group, Bob Ferrari, joins Alexa Cheater, Director of Product Marketing at Kinaxis in this episode to discuss the current shortage of supply chain talent. Watch now to see how the effects of these shortages have been felt critically, especially when it comes to companies struggling to transform digitally and employees shifting their priorities. Learn how to find and retain top supply chain talent in our latest video podcast.

You can learn more about Bob Ferrari and the Ferrari Consulting and Research group here:

Summary points:

Bob noted that the signs of the supply chain talent shortages started before the pandemic, though COVID did exacerbate the effects. In addition, the advancement of cloud-based technology and the need for more digitally inclined staff contributed to these shortages.The last three years have been full of nonstop disruptions, causing businesses to pivot their business models and product strategies.Millions of employees voluntarily exited the workforce over the past 3 years due to shifting priorities for reasons like work-life balance, dual income, childcare, and more. Additionally, baby boomers retired, taking institutional knowledge with them.Bob emphasized the need to hire based on skills-based dimensions starting, “we want people with skill sets that could change when the jobs change, that have certain traits that we know are akin to these kinds of roles, you know, and hard skills and collaboration skills and soft skills, all of those dimensions.” Bob stated that workers seek a sense of purpose in their work, family, and communities based on their values such as climate change, sustainability, and diversity – and that businesses and managers should seek to humanize their workforce by making these needs a priority.Bob stated that automating mundane, inefficient, and redundant tasks can help improve employee satisfaction so there is more time for managers to help their employees grow their analytical, team leading, collaboration, and communication skills.