Jeff and Will discuss the week, which had Jeff doing a lot of edits on Codename: Winger #1 as well as struggling to come up with a title and blurb for an upcoming collection of short stories. Will recommended two movies he watched this week: Angels of Sex and Boys. Jeff praised the recently released audiobook of Wade Kelly's Misplaced Affection, which is narrated by Chris Patton. The guys also talked about Chris Fox's appearance on Simon Whistler's Rocking Self Publishing Podcast where he further talked about his book Writing to Market and discussed his upcoming 21 Day Novel Writing event. Will once again called out his sister Jessica's Awash in Talent being in the Kindle Scout program and encouraged listeners to vote up her YA paranormal book. The guys recapped last episode's Question of the Week, and you can find all the responses to that below.

The duo known as Kindle Alexander were interviewed this week to discuss their latest in the Nice Guys series as well as their writing process, how they got started and what's coming up for them next. They also ask the Question of the Week: “As an author or a reader, do you use Kindle Unlimited, do you like it and why?” You can answer this week's question in the comments section of the shownotes at (Jeff and Will apologize for the audio quality of this week's interview.) 

Complete shownotes are available for this episode at