Jeff & Will kick off the show with news about Codename: Winger #3, their second Dreamspun Desire and early reviews for The Hockey Player's Heart.

Eli is congratulated for winning the Happy Holiday Paperback Giveaway.

Jay from Joyfully Jay discusses best of 2017 books, holiday stories (including ones with a Hanukkah setting) as well as new titles she's been reading.

Jeff reviews A Day Makes by Mary Calmes while Will reviews Wild Trail by A.M. Arthur, Desperately Seeking Santa by Eli Easton and Finding Home by Garett Groves.

Jeff & Will interview Annabeth Albert. She has the scoop on her latest book, Wheels Up, as well as what's happening in her other series. Plus she talks about her author inspirations, the first gay romances she read and what's coming in 2018.

Complete show notes for episode 115 are at