Solo Show - Nutrition and Lifestyle Nuggets #4

Something to grab and take into the weekend and beyond.

Build your nutritional toolbox lovely people.

In this epiosde I bring to your attention definitions of:

Low Carb Diets
Ketogenic Diets
Intermittent Fasting
Time Restricted Feeding

All broad brush strokes lifted from a very good review on Diets and Body Composition.

Please find the paper below:

I have been asked numerous times this week during my nutritional consultancy about these diets specifically.

Therefore, I thought I would provide you all with a very good resource.

hope the article / paper is valuable to you.

Thank you for listening to the show and I wanted to structure it so that you got a nice little intro to the diets and it made you curious to invetigate further.

Do not hesitate to reach out if you want to have a conversation about the article or the episode.

As always if you enjoy this episode and the podcast share it / subscribe to it / rate it.

It really helps build awareness and I want to make 10,000 listens by the end of 2018!