Duncan Bottrill is a climber and freelance UX designer based in London.

We met through Instagram where he asked me about a banana bread I posted on my one of my stories.

I asked him to come on my show and we were on skype within 2 hours talking about food in true Big Feed Up style.

Such a sound guy and legit climber.

Get involved if this is your kind of thing.

Keep in touch with Duncan:

Website - http://duncanbottrill.com/about/

Instagram - https://instagram.com/duncanbottrill?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=1w3bzxth748fp

Coaches working with Duncan:

Renee McGregor - https://reneemcgregor.com/

Tom Herbert (@Usefulcoach) - http://useful.coach/

Where Duncan Climbs - https://www.vauxwest.co.uk/ (@vauxwall)

As always lovely people please share, subscribe and comment on the show over on I tunes and soundcloud.