James Hudson is a registered sports nutritionist based in london and it was a pleasure to have him back on the show.

If you did not catch episode 1 with James where we discussed the Game Changers show please find it below in the links and resources section.

In this episode we discuss:

- Body fat analysis (with skinfold calipers)
- Body composition for crossfit
- James goal to become a top UK crossfit OPEN competitor
- James ‘Big Hairy Audacious Goal’ concept
- The importance of having a mentor

As always lovely people if you like the show please share it with someone and subscribe.

Links and Resources:

Epiosde 1 with James - https://soundcloud.com/user-188029167/the-game-changers-show-nutrition-for-energy-with-james-hudson

Email - [email protected]

Instagram - instagram.com/nutrition.for.ener…shid=1rh8yiq0uh2d5

Website - www.nutritionforenergy.co.uk/

33 Fuel support the show:

33 Fuel produce natural and powerful sports nutrition products.

Completely plant based, gluten free and dairy free, 33 fuel have recently brought out an energy bar and a protein bar:


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