These questions come at me every week during my day job as a nutritionist:

How do I optimise my health and longevity?
How can I live a long time and feel good?
What supplements do I need to take?
What should MY idea diet look like?

Now if we move on from the broad brush strokes in the diet and lifestyle conversation, testing and not guessing is the next step.

Sarah Bolt founder and CEO of Forth joins me on the show to speak about Forth with Life and Forth Edge.

Primarily they are a blood testing company that send you a kit through the post. You take a quick sample post it off and have you results within 2 days.

As you can tell when you listen they are much more than just a blood testing company, Sarah is passionate about developing a metric platform for every individual to view their biomarkers.

‘The naked truth, rarely do people get access to their results.’

We speak about bio markers for energy.
We speak about bio markers for Men’s Health.
We speak about bio markers for the Menopause.

Sarah oozes enthusiasm and we met for the first time just before the show.

However I have used the baseline + test and also some of the Forth Edge performance tests with endurance based clients of mine over the past year.

Below you can find both sites and Forth Edge on Instagram:

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