Every friday I release a show geared towards nutrition and lifestyle information.

A few knowledge bombs and nutritional nuggets you can take into the weekend.

This week I dive into sports nutrition and how to build an online business with Warren and Erica Co Founders of 33 Shake.

Warren and Erica all about plant based nutrition however in their words being plant based does not have to carry a tag that brings social conflict.

Forget about part vegan, part vegetarian and part paleo they just want you to eat more fruits and vegetables whenever you can.

Both are very experienced endurance enthusiasts.

Both are very honest regarding how they are growing their business.

This is a insightful episodes with a couple of digital nomads.

I found out about 33 Shakes products via Kieran Alger a.k.a ManvMiles who introduced me to their chia seed pouches.

( Look back at the x 2 podcasts with Kieran)

I used the chia seed product in both of my ultra marathons this year and felt good.

Warren Erica are so sound, when I reached out to them on instagram I realised that they lived 3 minutes away so they popped over for a chat.

To find out more about their products, podcast and blog check out:


As always if you enjoy this episode and the podcast share it / subscribe to it / rate it.

It really helps build awareness of the show and I want to make 10,000 listens by the end of 2018!