Episode 111 (Air Date: April 30th, 2019) Here’s an update from Ben on the road. Literally. Not “here’s an update from Ben once he’s back at his computer…” This entire episode was recorded, edited, mixed, uploaded, and published — from Ben’s Android phone!!! Yes, that’s right, for years I’ve wondered if there were ANY way possible …

Episode 111 – Wheel Reinvented, or French Toast Read More »

Episode 111

(Air Date: April 30th, 2019)

Here’s an update from Ben on the road. Literally. Not “here’s an update from Ben once he’s back at his computer…”

This entire episode was recorded, edited, mixed, uploaded, and published — from Ben’s Android phone!!!

Yes, that’s right, for years I’ve wondered if there were ANY way possible to record GOOD audio, edit it the same way as I would on my computer, and post it just the same way I’d post an episode from my computer.

Well after MUCH head scratching, procrastinating, getting caught in ADHD tangents, and then a little French Toast…


I have finally figured it out!  If you are reading these words,or listening to this episode, it means all my creative thinking and ingenuity and determination has paid off.

That aside, this episode will explain this two month delay (and after three consecutive weekly episodes)

And when I say “will explain” you know I will have a flow chart, a PowerPoint presentation, and a Ted Talk prepared to explain precisely why the recent delay, and blahhhh blahhhh blahhhh (yup, this is another ADHD episode…. But a triumphant one!)


Please be in touch and let us know what you thought of this episode!

– CALL US: (315) VEGAN-01, that’s 315-834-2601

– EMAIL US: [email protected]

– TWEET US: @BigFatVegans

– FACEBOOK US: Search for “Big Fat Vegan Radio

– MAILING LIST!!!: Sign up for our new Mailing List/Registry HERE!

– MAILING LIST!!!: Sign up for our new Mailing List/Registry HERE!

– MAILING LIST!!!: Sign up for our new Mailing List/Registry HERE!





Check out

Honey LaBronx’s Vegan Drag Queen Cooking Show


Check out the new website for Big Fat Vegan Radio!



If you’d like to support the Vegan Drag Queen cooking show, as well as Honey LaBronx’s other efforts — please check out her Patreon and consider becoming a monthly supporter at:


Buy some famous Medieval Oil!


Michael Harren for our theme song!

And an emphatic THANK YOU to Jesus Franco for our new logo!

Today’s musical guest:

ARTIST: Christopher Dallman

SONG: Has Been