Episode 109 (Air Date: February 18th, 2019) Here’s an episode I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time now!  Thank you to everyone who reached out to be a part of this episode.  When I asked if there were any “Ex-Ex-Vegans” out there who wanted to share their stories, the response was overwhelming!  Nearly 30 …

Episode 109 – Ex-Ex-Vegans, Part 1 Read More »

Episode 109

(Air Date: February 18th, 2019)

Here’s an episode I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time now!  Thank you to everyone who reached out to be a part of this episode.  When I asked if there were any “Ex-Ex-Vegans” out there who wanted to share their stories, the response was overwhelming!  Nearly 30 people expressed an interest in taking part.

I selected eight people to interview.  In this episode, you will hear four of their stories (that’s right, this will be one of those long episodes.)  I’ll release the next installation of “Ex-Ex-Vegans” in a couple of weeks.

Please be in touch and let me know what you think of this episode.  Do you like the topic?  Was this helpful for you or to others?  If there’s enough demand, I’d be happy to consider interviewing even more people (in fact, aside from the eight I’ve interviewed, there are another SEVEN who couldn’t make it work this time around due to scheduling conflicts, so if you want more of this, please let me know!

Here are today’s interview guests, in order of appearance:

Rae Backas (Milpitas, CA)

Instagram: @raediantb


Meet Your Meat (PETA)

• Muttville (Senior Dog Rescue)


Lucy Parker (Southampton, UK)

Instagram: @gooseylucyeats


Iron Deficiency & Anemia

Ellen Fisher (YouTube Channel)

OKJA (movie)

• Veganuary


Tia (Toledo, OH)

TRIGGER WARNING: This interview discusses homophobic violence & sexual assault (though neither are discussed in graphic detail)


Rachel Harris a.k.a. “Garlic Girl” (Morgan Hill, CA)

Instagram: @theonlygarlicgirl


Bite Size Vegan (YouTube Channel)



Please be in touch and let us know what you thought of this episode!

– CALL US: (315) VEGAN-01, that’s 315-834-2601

– EMAIL US: [email protected]

– TWEET US: @BigFatVegans

– FACEBOOK US: Search for “Big Fat Vegan Radio

– MAILING LIST!!!: Sign up for our new Mailing List/Registry HERE!

– MAILING LIST!!!: Sign up for our new Mailing List/Registry HERE!

– MAILING LIST!!!: Sign up for our new Mailing List/Registry HERE!





Check out

Honey LaBronx’s Vegan Drag Queen Cooking Show


Honey LaBronx’s fundraiser is STILL ongoing! If you haven’t already, please consider supporting my work with a donation.  We’re about $1,000 away from being able to buy a new laptop, which will make it possible for me to do my work on the road!



And while you’re at it, there are some fantastic perks you won’t want to miss out on!

If we raise more than that, there is still plenty of new audio/video equipment I need, and some special services I’ll need to outsource — but for now I’m praying that at the very least, I can get that laptop so that I don’t have to abandon my work for weeks at a time every time I go on the road!

Check out the new website for Big Fat Vegan Radio!



If you’d like to support the Vegan Drag Queen cooking show, as well as Honey LaBronx’s other efforts — please check out her Patreon and consider becoming a monthly supporter at:


Buy some famous Medieval Oil!


Michael Harren for our theme song!

And an emphatic THANK YOU to Jesus Franco for our new logo!

Today’s musical guest:

ARTIST: Kiirstin Marilyn

SONG: The Dark

Download the song from my KiirstinMarilyn.com and 50% of the proceeds will be donated to one of my favorite farm sanctuaries, Rancho Relaxo.