Into April and May 2010 featuring some changes in Ice Ribbon as they are building up another star. We also check in on some future stars in the making as Io and Mio Shirai have a singles match at Shinjuku on a Vader produce show 4/29/2010. Dojo/IR 172 - 4/3/2010 - Riho vs Miyako Matsumoto (c) The big show covered here is the Golden Ribbon show headlined at Korakuen by 13 yr old Riho vs Emi Sakura. A big moment to say the least. You can find the Ice Ribbon matches which are currently available on Ice Ribbon's Nico Pro channel in their archives. The Golden Ribbon show is not in their archive to note. if you want this episode and many more a whole 2 weeks early please subscribe to the Red Leaf Retrocast Patreon