What a wacky week this was in the Big Brother house. We finally got rid of some folks, we had a successful blindside, and somehow Cliff survived the Camp Comeback comp. Not only that, but later that night he won HOH!!! So for the first time this season we have a house flip. How was Cliff going to handle this responsibility? Would he try to befriend the people who switched their votes to save Nicole, or would he team up with the rest of the downstairs crew? Well, he went for the big move and nominated Jack and Jackson That move raised other questions. Well, it raised one question. What was Christie going to do with her Diamond Power of Veto? Would she use it to save one her pals? Truthfully, she doesn’t even know, as we proved in this episode. 

What a wacky week this was in the Big Brother house. We finally got rid of some folks, we had a successful blindside, and somehow Cliff survived the Camp Comeback comp. Not only that, but later that night he won HOH!!!

So for the first time this season we have a house flip. How was Cliff going to handle this responsibility? Would he try to befriend the people who switched their votes to save Nicole, or would he team up with the rest of the downstairs crew? Well, he went for the big move and nominated Jack and Jackson

That move raised other questions. Well, it raised one question. What was Christie going to do with her Diamond Power of Veto? Would she use it to save one her pals? Truthfully, she doesn’t even know, as we proved in this episode.