Join Nancy J. Reid and Lisa D. Smith, publishers of Big Blend Magazines, for Part 4 of Big Blend Radio’s Excellence in Tourism series on How to Put the “I” Back Into Community through a Responsible Tourism Plan that incorporates the 8 Keys of Excellence.

This discussion focuses on Communication & Customer Service and the 3rd Key of Excellence, ‘Speak with Good Purpose: Be positive. Keep your community story and all communications positive.’ Featured guests:

- Bobbi DePorter - Co-Founder of SuperCamp & President of Quantum Learning Network, and author of ‘The 8 Keys of Excellence: Principles to Live By’.

- Ralph Masengill, Jr - Best-selling author and award-winning advisor, coach, PR & marketing expert. His latest book is “Conquer Change and Win".

- Jan M. Smith - Travel writer and publisher of, Founder & President of Inland Management Group in Temecula, CA.

Music on this episode is “Everybody’s Business” from the album “Other Desert Cities” by Bay Station.