This episode of Big Blend Radio features photographer Deanne Burch, who talks about her life in Alaska, where she lived about the Arctic circle with her husband Tiger. It’s all documented in her memoir “Journey Through Fire and Ice: Shattered Dreams Above the Arctic Circle.”

At the tender age of 23, a naïve but very much in love Deanne Burch did what all good wives were expected to do in the 1960s: she put the needs of her husband first. She accompanied Tiger to a remote, Inuit (Inupiaq) village in Kivalina, Alaska, where Tiger was conducting research for his Ph.D. To say that the environment and living conditions were harsh would be a considerable understatement.

In "Journey Through Fire and Ice," Deanne pours her memories onto paper, immortalizing in vivid detail their experiences on the barrier island 83 miles above the Arctic Circle, including the ways in which the Inupiaq people supported the Burches throughout both exhilarating triumphs and agonizing tragedies.
