Welcome to Bibletheory Podcast where we talk about the doctrine of the church and take it to the streets.

In this episode, I invite Pastor and author Erik Raymond, who is serving in the New England area as the Senior Pastor of Redeemer. Today, we will talk about his new book titled: He Is Not Ashamed: The Staggering Love of Christ for His People. Is there anyone in the church that Jesus is ashamed to love due to their past? What does it mean that Jesus is not ashamed of his people and why is that important for us to remember? This and more. Please enjoy. 

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Buy the book here- https://www.amazon.com/He-Not-Ashamed-Staggering-Christ/dp/1433579340?crid=T1KO8KAS8MZH&keywords=he+is+not+ashamed&qid=1655154634&sprefix=he+is+not+ashamed%2Caps%2C72&sr=8-2&linkCode=sl1&tag=irishcalvi-20&linkId=fcc8fc9fb64381e33f21c8eeea54e845&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

Pastor Erik's Blog- https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/erik-raymond/

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