There is a small collection of books that sit nestled toward the back of the Hebrew Bible. In the Ketuvim, the Writings, wedged between the three large poetic books of Psalms, Proverbs and Job, and the post-exilic writings (Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah and Chronicles), are the Five Megillot - the Five Scrolls. Small but rich and complex in their subject matter, these five books found their significance both in the biblical narrative, but also in the liturgical calendar of Israel.


This series covers the books of Esther, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations and Ecclesiastes - five different writings that have been connected by their value to be sung and read at five Jewish festivals. Join the Bible Streams Team as they unpack both the liturgical understanding in this episode and then each book in more depth.

Resources/Links mentioned in this episode, or as references or helpful for Bible Streams:

Book: Tremper Longman III & Peter Enns (eds) - Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry and Writings

Big thanks to Tim Whittle for editing and extra production on this podcast. 

Get more info at Riverlife Church, and find us on Facebook and Instagram. Music credit: Scott & Annie McKinnon, 'Revive'.

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