There are only two directed commanded worship actions that the Lord Jesus gave to his church, All other worship elements are found in both the First and the New Testament. These two commanded rites or rituals are the baptism of those who repent and believe the gospel and the observance of the Lord's Table. There are many facets to the teaching on the Lord's Supper . This broadcast considers briefly why we come to the Table and the essential biblical elements, the words and actions to its proper observance. How central it is to full Christian worship is evidence by the inclusion of the account of its institution in all three Synoptic gospels- Matthew, Mark, Luke and Paul's Letter to the  Corinthians chapter 11 and also a reference in 1 Corinthians 10.  John records another action at the Passover and his teaching preparing the disciples for his departure via the cross and resurrection plus his ascension. 

Bible Insights with Wayne Conrad
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Psalms 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.